Barabási-Albert Model

5 minute de lecture

Mis à jour :

Hubs represent the most striking difference between a random and a scale-free network.

Goal: The very existence of these hubs and the related scale-free topology raises two fundamental questions:

  • Why do so different systems as the WWW or the cell converge to a similar scale-free architecture?
  • Why does the random network model of Erdős and Rényi fail to reproduce the hubs and the power laws observed in real networks?

Topic: Growth and Preferential Attachment the mechanisms responsible for the emergence of the scale-free property. This is the main topic of this chapter.

Growth and Preferential Attachment

Hubs and power laws are absent in random networks because of two hidden assumptions of the Erdős-Rényi model, that are violated in real networks.


  • Random network model assumes that we have a fixed number of nodes $N$.
  • Real networks the number of nodes continually grows thanks to the addition of new nodes.

We cannot resort to a static model and our approach must instead acknowledge that networks are the product of a steady growth process.

Preferential attachment:

  • Random networks: The random network model assumes that we randomly choose the interaction partners of a node.
  • Real networks: New nodes prefer to link to the more connected nodes, a process called preferential attachment.

The Barabási-Albert Model

We start with $m_{0}$ nodes, the links between which are chosen arbitrarily, as long as each node has at least one link. The network develops following two steps

  • Growth: At each timestep we add a new node with $m (\leq m_{0})$ links that connect the new node to $m$ nodes already in the network.
  • Preferential attachment: The probability $\Pi (k)$ that a link of the new node connects to node $i$ depends on the degree $k_{i}$ as:

After $t$ timesteps the Barabási-Albert model generates a network with $N = t + m_{0}$ nodes and $m_{0} + m_{t}$ links

Problems: It does not specify

  • Initial configuration of the first $m_{0}$ nodes.
  • Added one by one vs. simultaneously

The Linearized Chord Diagram (LCD): version of the Barabási-Albert model amenable to exact mathematical calculations.

For $m=1$ we build a graph $G_{1}(t)$ as follows

  • Start with $G_{1}(0)$, corresponding to an empty graph with no nodes.
  • Given $G_{1}(t-1)$ generate $G_{1}(t)$ by adding the node $v_{t}$ and a single link between $v_{t}$ and $v_{i}$, where $v_{i}$ is chosen with probability

That is, we place a link from the new node $v_{t}$ to node $v_{i}$ with probability $k_{i}/(2t-1)$, where the new link already contributes to the degree of $v_{t}$. Consequently node $v_{t}$ can also link to itself with probability $1/(2t - 1)$, the second term in. Note also that the model permits self-loops and multi-links. Yet, their number becomes negligible in the $t→∞$ limit.

For $m > 1$ we build $G_{m}(t)$ by adding $m$ links from the new node $v_{t}$ one by one, in each step allowing the outward half of the newly added link to contribute to the degrees.

Degree Dynamics

Time evolution of the Barabási-Albert model: an existing node can increase its degree each time a new node enters the network.

Key idea: approximate $k_{i}$ with a continuous real variable, representing its expectation value over many realizations of the growth process.

</b>Rate of node connecting to $i$:

From this, we can extract:

where $\beta = \frac{1}{2}$ is the dynamical exponent.


  • All nodes follow the same dynamical law.
  • Growth in the degrees is sublinear (i.e. $\beta < 1$): With time the existing nodes compete for links with an increasing pool of other nodes.
  • The earlier node $i$ was added, the higher is its degree $k_{i}(t)$. A phenomenon called first-mover advantage phenomenon, athematically tranlated by:

Note: In network theory we use event time, advancing our time-step by one each time when there is a change in the network topology.

Degree Distribution

Goal: Calculate the functional form of $p_{k}$ to understand its origin.

Approximation The continuum theory predicts the degree distribution:


  • $\beta$ characterizes a node’s temporal evolution
  • $\gamma$ characterizes the network topology

Result: The degree distribution reveals a deep relationship between the network’s topology and dynamics

Exact degree distribution: with the LCD model:


  • For $k$ large $p_{k}\sim k^{-\gamma}$
  • $\gamma$ independent of $m$
  • $p_{k}$ independent of both time $t$ and size $N$. The model predicts the emergence of a stationary scale-free state.

The absence of growth or preferential attachment

Model with growth:

  • The linear-log plot indicates that the resulting network has an exponential $p_{k} = \frac{e}{m}exp(-k/m)$
  • Continuum theory predicts that for Model A ki(t) increases logarithmically with time:
  • An exponential function decays much faster than a power law, hence it does not support hubs.

Model with preferential attachment:

  • For large $t$ the degree of each node also increases linearly with time
  • $L ≪ N$ each new link connects unconnected nodes.
  • $p_{k}$ is not stationary
  • Converge to a complete graph

Detect preferential attachment

Goal: Measure $\Pi(k)$ in real networks.

Two distinct hypotheses:

  • The likelihood to connect to a node depends on that node’s degree $k$.
  • The functional form of $\Pi(k)$ is linear in $k$.

Both hypotheses can be tested by measuring $\Pi(k)$.

Requirement: Have the map of the network at time $t$ and $t + \Delta t$ for $\Delta t$ little.

Result: $\frac{\Delta k_{i}}{\Delta t} \sim \Pi(k_{i})$

The resulting curve can be noisy so we consider the cumulative attachment function:

Without preferential attachmentcte$\sim k$
With linear preferential attachment$k_{i}$$\sim k^{2}$
With preferential attachment$\sim k^{\alpha}$$\Pi(k) \sim k^{2\alpha}$

Non-linear Preferential Attachment

Non-linear preferential attachment

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