Link prediction
Mis à jour :
In this lecture, we learn the basics of how to perform unsupervised link prediction and supervised ling prediction. We will overview the following techniques:
- Recommending new friends in online social networks
- Suggesting interactions between the members of a company/ organization that are external to the hierarchical structure of the organization itself
- Suggesting collaborations between researchers based on coauthorship
- Predicting connections between members of terrorist organizations who have not been directly observed to work together
- Overcoming the data-sparsity problem in recommender systems using collaborative filtering
Problem formulation
The link prediction task: Given $G[t_{0}, t_{0’}]$ a graph on edges up to time $t_{0’}$, output a ranked list $L$ of links (not in $G[t_{0}, t_{0’}]$) that are predicted to appear in $G[t_{1}, t_{1’}]$
Evaluation: (see [Liben-Nowell and Kleinberg ‘03]) – $n=|E_{new}|$: number of news edges that appear during the test period $[t_{1}, t_{1’}]$! – Take top $n$ elements of list $L$ and count the correct edges
Considerations: Networks evolve over time and therefore only predict only edges whose endpoints appear in both the training and test intervals.
Usually: Predict new edges between the nodes in Core (a subset of nodes). Here, the core is all nodes that are incident to at least $k_{training}$ edges in $G[t_{0}, t_{‘0}]$, and at least $k_{test}$ edges in $G[t_{1}, t_{‘1}]$
Goal: Predict $E_{new}$, the missing edges in the core at test time.
Link Prediction - Evaluation
- For each pair of nodes $(x, y)$, compute score $c(x, y)$ (# of common neighbors of x and y)
- Sort pairs $(x, y)$ by the decreasing score $c(x, y)$ (only consider/predict edges where both endpoints are in the core)
- Predict the top $n$ pairs of new links
- See which of those links actually appear in $G[t_{1}, t_{‘1}]$
Methods of Link Prediction
Big question: How to assign score $c(x, y)$ between two nodes $x$ and $y$?
We should use some form of similarity or node proximity of $x$ and $y$ based solely on graph features. There are many different ways to formalize this but we will focus on two categories of methods:
- Neighborhood-based: Number of shared neighbors
- Network proximity-based methods: Paths between $x$ and $y$
Neighborhood-based | Proximity-based |
Common neighbors overlap | Shortest path length |
Jaccard coefficient | $\text{Katz}_{\beta}$ measure |
Adamic/Adar index | RW: Hitting and commute time |
Preferential attachment | RW:PageRank and SimRank |
Neighborhood-based Methods
Intuition: The larger the overlap of the neighbors of two nodes, the more likely the nodes to be linked in the future.
Let $\Gamma(x)$ be the set of neighbors of $x$ in $G_{old}$.
Common neighbors: Number of common neighbors
Jaccard coefficient: The probability that both $x$ and $y$ have common neighbors:
Adamic/Adar: Assigns large weights to common neighbors $z$ of $x$ and $y$ which themselves have few neighbors (weight rare features more heavily)
Preferential attachment: Based on the intuition that the probability that a new edge has node $x$ as its endpoint is proportional to $|\Gamma(x)|$, i.e., nodes prefer to form ties with ‘popular’ nodes:
Note: The number of kneighbors $\mid \Gamma(x) \mid$ is the degree of $x$.
Proximity-based Methods
Ensemble of All Paths
Intuition: The “closer” two nodes are in the network, the more likely is to be linked in the future
Shortest Path-Based:
In practice: (?) Some further normalization may needed If there are more than $n$ pairs of nodes at the shortest path length $l$, order them at random
$\text{Katz}_{\beta}$ measure: We denote by $l$ the set of all paths of length $l$ from $x$ to $y$
Note: The measure can be expressed with the adjacency matrix because $\beta^{l}\cdot\mid\text{paths}{x, y}^{\langle l \rangle}\mid = \beta^{l} A{xy}^{l}$
Closed form solution: Because of this , the matrix of scores
Note: For a weighted graph, we replace use the weighted adjacency matrix (at least for step one).
In practice:
- $0 < \beta < 1$ is a parameter of the predictor, exponentially damped to count short paths more heavily
- Small $\beta$ yields predictions much like common neighbors
Random Walk-based Methods
Consider a random walk on $G_{old}$ that starts at $x$ and iteratively moves to a neighbor of $x$ chosen uniformly at random from $\Gamma(x)$.
Hitting time: $H_{x,y}$ (from $x$ to $y$): the expected number of steps it takes for the random walk starting at $x$ to reach c(x, y) = - H_{x,y}$$
Commute time: $Comm(x, y)$ (from $x$ to $y$): the expected number of steps to travel from $x$ to $y$ and from $y$ to $x$
Implementation notes:
- Periodically reset the walk: The hitting time and commute time measures are sensitive to parts of the graph far away from $x$ and $y$ – Random walk on $G_{old}$ that starts at $x$ and has a probability $\alpha$ of returning to $x$ at each step.
Rooted (Personalized) PageRank – Starts from $x$ – With probability $(1 – \alpha)$ moves to a random neighbor – With probability $\alpha$ returns to $x$!
SimRank [Jeh and Widom ‘02]
Intuition: Two objects are similar, if they are related to similar objects
Similarity measure: Expresses the average similarity between neighbors of $x$ and neighbors of $y$. It is defined recursively.
with the computation being:
Big question: How to Evaluate the Prediction?
First, we notive that each link predictor $p$ outputs a ranked list $L_{p}$ of pairs in $V \times V − E_{old}$ predicted new edges in decreasing order of confidence. Here we focus on Core of the graph (degree $k>3$), thus
Evaluation method: size of intersection of * The first $n$ edge predictions from $L_{p}$ that are in $Core × Core$ and * The actual set $E_{new}$!
How many of the (relevant) top-$n$ predictions are correct (precision?)
Baseline Predictor
Prediction accuracy will be measured in terms of relative improvement over a random predictor! – Why? First application was in co-authorship networks – Many collaborations form (or fail to form) for reasons outside the scope of the networks – The raw accuracy (in the unsupervised case) is very low
Random Predictor: randomly selects pairs of authors who did not collaborate (i.e., there is no edge) in the training interval – Probability that a random prediction is correct:
\frac{\mid E_{new}\mid}{\binom{\mid Core \mid}{2} - \mid E_{old} \mid}
In practice:
- Random predictions are correct with prob. between 0.15% (cond-mat) to 0.48% (astro-physics).
- Relative Average Performance between various predictors ($\text{Katz}_{\beta}$) and the random predictor.
Discussion and Extensions
Improve performance | Improve efficiency |
Weights more recent links | Approximates the distance |
Use additional informations | Restrict core size |
Use measures as features for ML |
Supervised Link prediction
Similarity measure can be used as features for the binary classification task of finding missing edge ($0$ or $1$). The same “similarity” measures can be used as features for supervised link prediction
In practice:</i> – Train / test split with time (see above) – Use ROC curve (false positive rate vs. true positive rate) to evaluate the predictions – Weak point: have to deal with class imbalance!
- networkx
- LPmade: Link Prediction Made Easy
- look at for feature ideas
Supervised random walks for link prediction
Supervised Link prediction
Supervised Random Walks
SRW: Prediction
Personalized PageRank
The Optimization Problem
Making Constraints “Soft”
Solving the Problem: Intuition
Data: Facebook
Experimental Setting
Experimental Results – Facebook (1/2)
Experimental Results - Co-Authorship
Arxiv Hep-Ph collaboration network – Poor performance of unsupervised methods – SRW gives a boost of 25%
Thanking notes
This material is heavily based on lecture notes given by Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, who was my professor on Network Science Analytics at Centrale. If you wish to dive deeper into this topic, I advise you to check his website.
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