First order scattering transform

2 minute de lecture

Mis à jour :

1. Introduction

The big challenges of action recognition (variations in class, pose and appearance, occlusion and lightning) requires to design good features for video processing. Some comonly used ones are:

  • Space time interest points
  • Dense Trajectories
  • Body joints
  • Motion history images

Historically, these features are fed into an effective Machine Learning classifier (linear SVM being a popular choice)!

2. Action Recognition

There are different level of semantics to characterize what an action is:

  • Action “Walking”
  • Activity “Walking on grass”
  • Event “A soccer game”

2.1. History Images

Temporal Templates Idea: summarize motion in video in a Mo on History Image (MHI): A.F. Bobick et al., 2001, “The Recogni on of Human • Movement Using Temporal Templates”, PAMI 2001

Compute MHI for each ac on sequence. • Describe each sequence with Hu descrip on, [Hu M. IEEE Transac on on Informa on Theory, 1962] • Use Nearest Neighbor ac on classi ca on with Mahalanobis distance between training and test descriptors d.

Dataset: Aerobics Dataset.

  1. Advantages = Simple + Fast
  2. Disadvantages =
    • Static camera and background
    • Sensitive to segmenta on errors
    • Silhouettes do not capture interior motion / shape

2.2. Spatio-Temporal Features

A good idea is to extract features corresponding to space-time interest points.

A useful and e ec ve approach is to extract local features as space- me interest points and encode the temporal informa on directly into the local feature. This results into the de ni on of spa o-temporal local features that embed space and me jointly.  Videos are considered as volumes of pixels.  Spa o-temporal features are located at spa o-temporal salient points that are extracted with interest point operators.  Similarly as for the 2D case, interest point structures are searched for that are stable under rota on, viewpoint, scale and illumina on changes. • Space me interest point detectors are extensions of 2D interest point detectors that incorporate temporal informa on.

Most popular soluions  Detectors:  STIP Spa o Temporal Interest Points (Harris3D) [I. Laptev, IJCV 2005]  Dollar’s detector [P. Dollar et al., VS-PETS 2005]  Hessian3D [G. Willems et al., ECCV 2008]  Descriptors:  HOG/HOF [I. Laptev et al., CVPR 2008]  Dollar [P. Dollar et al., VS-PETS 2005]  HoG3D [A. Klaeser et al., BMVC 2008]  Extended SURF [G. Willems et al., ECCV 2008]

STIP: Spatio Temporal Interest Points Detecto

STIP Summar

Dollar’s periodic motion detector

Importance of multiple scales

Descriptors for spatio-temporal patches

3D HoG

Action Recognition

2.3. Dense Trajectories

3. Object/ Action Detection

* Frame level ## 4. Applications
* Vehicle Tracking
* Kinect

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